whats good in billie elish’s voice?
billie elish’s fans answer ​
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By Ruby

whats good in billie elish’s voice?
billie elish’s fans answer ​
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2 thoughts on “whats good in billie elish’s voice?<br />billie elish’s fans answer ​<br />don’t copy”

  1. ☆ ANSWER ☆

    A charming voice with balanced tune in each of her songs. Some songs of Billie are silent while some are more active. Her smooth tuning makes her song a mood changing for us.

  2. Answer:

    It is estimated that probably 500 meteorites reach the surface of the Earth each year, but less than 10 are recovered. This is because most fall into the ocean, land in remote areas of the Earth, land in places that are not easily accessible, or are just not seen to fall (fall during the day).

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