what’s displacement reaction??

wapis aana pad gya kyuki man noii lag rha ​

By Ivy

what’s displacement reaction??

wapis aana pad gya kyuki man noii lag rha ​

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2 thoughts on “what’s displacement reaction??<br /><br />wapis aana pad gya kyuki man noii lag rha ​”

  1. Answer:

    A single-displacement reaction, also known as single replacement reaction or exchange reaction, is a chemical reaction in which one element is replaced by another in a compound

    Step-by-step explanation:

    In beaker A Zn being more reactive than copper replaces copper from the solution of copper sulphate and forms zinc sulphate.

    CuSO4 + Zn –> ZnSO4 + Cu

    In beaker B iron being more reactive than copper replaces it from its solution and forms iron sulphate.

    CuSO4 + Fe –> FeSO4 + Cu

    In beaker C there would be no reaction as less reactive metal (copper) cannot displace more reactive metal (zinc) from its solution.

    In beaker D there would be no reaction as less reactive metal (copper) cannot displace more reactive metal (iron) from its solution.

    In beaker E there would be no reaction as less reactive metal (iron) cannot displace more reactive metal (zinc) from its solution.

  2. [tex]\begin{gathered}{\Huge{\textsf{\textbf{\underline{\underline{\purple{Answer:}}}}}}}\end{gathered}[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex]Displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which one reactant present in the equation is displaced with the other reactant and owing to this phenomenon this reaction is also called the replacement reaction.


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