The price of book is 39.95 and that of a T shirt is Rs 99 80. Which one is more
costly? Any by how much?​

By Ruby

The price of book is 39.95 and that of a T shirt is Rs 99 80. Which one is more
costly? Any by how much?​

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1 thought on “The price of book is 39.95 and that of a T shirt is Rs 99 80. Which one is more<br />costly? Any by how much?​”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    it is but obvious that 99.80 that’s of T-shirt is higher than price of book.

    99.80-39.95= 59.85

    it is greater by 59.85 rupees.

    hope this will help you.

    vote thanks and rate 5 .

    mark it as brainliest.


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