The cost price of a bag is ₹ 1000 and it was sold for ₹ 1500, what is the profit​

The cost price of a bag is ₹ 1000 and it was sold for ₹ 1500, what is the profit​

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2 thoughts on “The cost price of a bag is ₹ 1000 and it was sold for ₹ 1500, what is the profit​”

  1. Answer:

    ₹ 30

    Step-by-step explanation:

    CP of the bag = ₹ 1000

    SP of the bag = ₹ 1500

    SP > CP

    Profit = SP – CP

    = ₹ 180 – ₹ 150

    = ₹ 30


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