. A sum of Rs 400 is lent for 3 years at the rate of 6% per annum. Find the interest.​

. A sum of Rs 400 is lent for 3 years at the rate of 6% per annum. Find the interest.​

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2 thoughts on “. A sum of Rs 400 is lent for 3 years at the rate of 6% per annum. Find the interest.​”

  1. Given,

    Principal amount, P = Rs 400

    Time period, T = 3 year

    Rate of Interest, R = 6% p.a.

    To Find,

    Simple Interest, SI =?

    Formula to be used,

    Simple Interest = (P × T × R)/100


    We know that,

    Simple Interest = (P × T × R)/100

    Putting all the values, we get

    ⇒ Simple Interest = (400 × 3 × 6)/100

    ⇒ Simple Interest = 7200/100

    ⇒ Simple Interest = Rs. 72

    Hence, the simple interest is Rs. 72.


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