A little girl I know sells oranges from door to door. One day while taking rounds, she sold ½ an orange more than half her oranges

By Ivy

A little girl I know sells oranges from door to door. One day while taking rounds, she sold ½ an orange more than half her oranges to the first customer. To the second customer, she sold ½ an orange more than half of the
remainder and to the third and the last customer, she sold ½ an orange more than half she later had, leaving none with herself. Can you tell the number oforanges she originally had? Oh, by the way, she never had to cut an orange.​

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1 thought on “A little girl I know sells oranges from door to door. One day while taking rounds, she sold ½ an orange more than half her oranges”

  1. Answer:

    In order that the little girl should have disposed of the oranges she had remaining after her second sale. She must have had at least one whole orange remaining so that she could deduct from it ‘half of her oranges plus half an orange’, for the third and the final sale. Therefore, if 1 orange represents half of the remaining after the second sale, then she must have sold two oranges in her second sale, leaving the 3 oranges after the first sale.

    Lastly if three oranges only represent half the original number, plus half an orange, then she must have started with [(3×2) +1] or 7 oranges.


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