14. If a letter is chosen at random from the English alphabets {a,b,…,Z}, then the probability that the
letter chosen prece

By Ruby

14. If a letter is chosen at random from the English alphabets {a,b,…,Z}, then the probability that the
letter chosen precedes x
(A) 12/13
(B) 1/13
(C) 23/26
(D) 3/26​

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2 thoughts on “14. If a letter is chosen at random from the English alphabets {a,b,…,Z}, then the probability that the<br />letter chosen prece”

  1. Answer:

    Answer is 23/26

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Here I attach the pic to the answer






    Hope you like it





    Please mark my answer as brainliest answer if it helps you


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