Tjree sides of a cuboid are ( x^2 +16), (x+4) and (x-4).Find the volume of the cuboid​

Tjree sides of a cuboid are ( x^2 +16), (x+4) and (x-4).Find the volume of the cuboid​

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2 thoughts on “Tjree sides of a cuboid are ( x^2 +16), (x+4) and (x-4).Find the volume of the cuboid​”

  1. Hope it helps!! Mark this answer as brainliest if u found it useful and follow me for quick and accurate answers…

    Volume of cuboid = length × breadth × width

    [tex] \:({x}^{2} + 16)(x + 4)(x – 4) \\ \\ using \: \: identity \\ (a + b)(a – b) = {a}^{2} – {b}^{2}, \: \: we \: \: get \\ \\({x}^{2} + 16)( {x}^{2} – 4 {}^{2} ) \\ \\ 16 \: \: can \: \: be \: \: written \: \: as \: \: {4}^{2} \\ \\ ({x}^{2} + {4}^{2} )( {x}^{2} – 4 {}^{2} ) \\ \\ using \: \: identity \\ (a + b)(a – b) = {a}^{2} – {b}^{2}, \: \: we \: \: get \\ \\(x {}^{2} ) {}^{2} – (4 {}^{2} ) {}^{2} \\ \\ x {}^{4} – {4}^{4} \\ \\ {x}^{4} – 256[/tex]


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