82 What is the distance between the
point A (c.o) and B( o.c)​

82 What is the distance between the
point A (c.o) and B( o.c)​

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2 thoughts on “82 What is the distance between the<br />point A (c.o) and B( o.c)​”

  1. Answer:

    The distance between the two points is c√2 units

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Distance = √{(c-0)²+(0-c)²} = √(c²+c²) =√(2c²) = c√2 units.

  2. Answer:

    The Haber process, also called the Haber– Bosch process, is an artificial nitrogen fixation process and is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia … A disadvantage of …


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