12. On dividing *200 between A and B such that twice of A’s share is less than 3 times B’share by
200, find B’s share.<

12. On dividing *200 between A and B such that twice of A’s share is less than 3 times B’share by
200, find B’s share.

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1 thought on “<br />12. On dividing *200 between A and B such that twice of A’s share is less than 3 times B’share by<br />200, find B’s share.<”

  1. Answer:

    A = $80

    B = $120

    Step-by-step explanation:

    dividing $200 between A an B means

    A + B = 200

    twice A’s share is less than 3 times B’s share by 200

    2A = 3B – 200

    by solving the system of equations

    A + B = 200

    2A = 3B – 200

    we find

    A = $80

    B = $120

    Hope it helps you!


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