
You have 3 quarters and your pop cost you 54 cents. How much money do you have left?​

You have 3 quarters and your pop cost you 54 cents. How much money do you have left?​
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if x=3√2+√3 then x^3+1/x^3
if the answer will correct I will mark u as brainlist ​

if x=3√2+√3 then x^3+1/x^3if the answer will correct I will mark u as brainlist ​
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the integers x for which 1-x=3 is

the integers x for which 1-x=3 isa)3,0b)4,2c)-2,3d)4,-2​
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solve the given pair of equation for x -3x+2y=5,4x+5y=2
plse give solved answer its urgent​

solve the given pair of equation for x -3x+2y=5,4x+5y=2plse give solved answer its urgent​
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At dawn the temperature as -9°C. It is now 20°C. How much has
the temperature risen since dawn? ​

At dawn the temperature as -9°C. It is now 20°C. How much hasthe temperature risen since dawn? ​
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