WU all II).
i) IfDx=-30, Dy=40 and D=-5 are the valus of the determinants for certain simultaneous equation in x and

WU all II).
i) IfDx=-30, Dy=40 and D=-5 are the valus of the determinants for certain simultaneous equation in x and
y. Find x.​

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1 thought on “WU all II).<br />i) IfDx=-30, Dy=40 and D=-5 are the valus of the determinants for certain simultaneous equation in x and<br />y.”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Step-by-step explanation:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    [tex]{\huge{\underbrace{\overbrace{\color{purple}{why?\: \: \: }}}}}[/tex]


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