When you have a savings account and you make no deposits or withdrawals at the end of the year. What will likely to happen if it i

When you have a savings account and you make no deposits or withdrawals at the end of the year. What will likely to happen if it is compounded quarterly? *
A. It will be the same amount you saved at first since no transaction has been made.
B. A little amount is deducted to it due to bank charge.
C. The money will gain an interest and lose at the same time due to bank charge.
D. The money will increase due to the interest being added.

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2 thoughts on “When you have a savings account and you make no deposits or withdrawals at the end of the year. What will likely to happen if it i”

  1. Answer:

    When you have a savings account and you make no deposits or withdrawals at the end of the year. What will likely to happen if it is compounded quarterly? *

    A. It will be the same amount you saved at first since no transaction has been made.

    B. A little amount is deducted to it due to bank charge.

    C. The money will gain an interest and lose at the same time due to bank charge.

    D. The money will increase due to the interest being added.


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