When each side of a square is increased by 3m the area become 52 sq. M what is the length of side of the original square

When each side of a square is increased by 3m the area become 52 sq. M what is the length of side of the original square

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1 thought on “When each side of a square is increased by 3m the area become 52 sq. M what is the length of side of the original square”

  1. Answer:

    let the original side be X

    then new side is (x-3)

    and new area is 64 m^2= (X-3)^2

    i.e. 64=x2 +9–6x

    i.e. x2–6x-55=0

    i.e. x2–11x +5x-55=0

    i.e. x(x-11)+5(x-11)=0

    i.e. (x-11)(x+5)=0

    x= 11, -5

    so the length can be negative so the answer will be 11.


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