what is the meaning of brainly?

The correct answer will get one kiss.​

what is the meaning of brainly?

The correct answer will get one kiss.​

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2 thoughts on “what is the meaning of brainly?<br /><br />The correct answer will get one kiss.​”

  1. Answer:

    Brainly is a multinational educational startup based in Krakow, Poland and New York, New York. Brainly operates a group of social learning networks for students and educators. It is available in 13 languages and has over 60 million unique users monthly from over 35 countries (as of March 2016). The first website launched in 2009 in Poland under the name Zadane.pl. The mission of Brainly is to inspire students to share and explore knowledge in a collaborative community, and engage in peer-to-peer educational assistance. The network has elements of gamification in the form of motivational points and encourages users to engage in the online community by asking questions and answering those of other students.

  2. Explanation:

    Hey, Answer is mentioned below !

    Brainly means the people who understands anything easily means have high IQ of understanding the concepts and who is eager to know more !

    Bruh ,I ain’t gay haha.


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