What is Protozoa?

Bye sabko

What is Protozoa?

Bye sabko

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2 thoughts on “What is Protozoa?<br /><br /><br /><br />Bye sabko <br /><br />​”

  1. Explanation:

    a phylum or grouping of phyla which comprises the single-celled microscopic animals, which include amoebas, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans, and many other forms. They are now usually treated as a number of phyla belonging to the kingdom Protista

    Hope this will help! mark me as brainlist, and fo-llow me

  2. Protozoa is an informal term for a group of single-celled eukaryotes, either free-living or parasitic, that feeds on organic matter such as other microorganisms or organic tissues and debris.

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