what is precipitation reaction??

kaira tum ho kisi aur social media pe xDxD

nhi ho toh kahi corner

what is precipitation reaction??

kaira tum ho kisi aur social media pe xDxD

nhi ho toh kahi corner mei Jao aur doob Jao xD

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2 thoughts on “what is precipitation reaction??<br /><br />___<br />kaira tum ho kisi aur social media pe xDxD<br /><br />nhi ho toh kahi corner”

  1. Answer:

    precipitation reaction refers to the formation of an insoluble salt when two solutions containing soluble salts are combined. The insoluble salt that falls out of solution is known as the precipitate, hence the reaction’s name. Precipitation reactions can help determine the presence of various ions in solution.

  2. Answer:

    Precipitation reactions occur when cations and anions in aqueous solution combine to form an insoluble ionic solid called a precipitate. A precipitate is a solid that forms out of solution.


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