the volume of a cuboid is five times the volume of a cube having edge 10m. find the volume of a cuboid.​

the volume of a cuboid is five times the volume of a cube having edge 10m. find the volume of a cuboid.​

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2 thoughts on “the volume of a cuboid is five times the volume of a cube having edge 10m. find the volume of a cuboid.​”

  1. [tex]\huge\tt\fbox\red{Answer}[/tex]


    Edge = 10 m

    we know,

    [tex]the \: volume \: of \: a \: cube = a {}^{3} [/tex]

    [tex] = 10 {}^{3} \\ = 1000 \: cm {}^{3} [/tex]

    Volume of a cuboid = 5 × volume of a cube

    [tex] = 5 \times 1000 \\ = 5000 \: cm {}^{3} [/tex]

  2. Answer:

    cuboid has volume four times the volume of a cube whose each edge is 7 m. Find the volume of the cuboid.

    Top answer · 1 vote


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