The sum of the ages of father and his son before 5 year was 56. When the son was 5
years old his father was 33 find the prese

The sum of the ages of father and his son before 5 year was 56. When the son was 5
years old his father was 33 find the present age of father?
A. 42
B. 45
C. 53
D. 47

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1 thought on “The sum of the ages of father and his son before 5 year was 56. When the son was 5<br />years old his father was 33 find the prese”

  1. Answer:

    Let x years be the present age of the father, then the present age of the son will be (45−x) years.

    Five years ago, the age of father was (x−5) years and that of son was (45−x−5)=(40−x) years.

    As, five years ago, the product of ages was 124.







    When x=36, the age of father is 36 and the age of son is 9 years.

    When x=36, the age of the father is 9 years and the age of the son is 36 years, which cannot be possible, so the present age of father is 36 years and that of the son is 9 years.


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