the sum of 2 rational numbers is -7, if one number is -15/19, what is the other number

the sum of 2 rational numbers is -7, if one number is -15/19, what is the other number

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1 thought on “the sum of 2 rational numbers is -7, if one number is -15/19, what is the other number”

  1. Answer:

    – 118/19

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Let one number be x and the other be y

    It is given that one number is -15/19

    So , let x = -15/19

    Now ,

    According to the given condition ,

    -15/19 + y = -7

    y = -7 + 15/19

    y = -133/19 + 15/19

    y = -118/19


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