the salary of mr.X is 30% more than that of MR.Y . Find the percent of MR.Y’ s salary is less than MR.X

the salary of mr.X is 30% more than that of MR.Y . Find the percent of MR.Y’ s salary is less than MR.X

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1 thought on “the salary of mr.X is 30% more than that of MR.Y . Find the percent of MR.Y’ s salary is less than MR.X”

  1. Answer:


    Salary of Y = m

    Salary of X = m * (80/100) = m * 0.8 = 0.8m

    Salary of Z = 0.8m * (120/100) = 0.8*m*1.2 = 0.96m

    Salaries Ratio,

    X : Y : Z = 0.8m : m : 0.96m = 0.8 : 1 : 0.96 = 80 : 100 : 96 = 20 : 25 : 24


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