The ratio of flour to syrup to make a sweet is 7:13 . The syrup has sugar and water in the ratio is 2:3.

Let us find th

By Lyla

The ratio of flour to syrup to make a sweet is 7:13 . The syrup has sugar and water in the ratio is 2:3.

Let us find the percentage of sugar in the sweet.

What fraction of the sweet is syrup?

What percentage of the sweet is syrup?​

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2 thoughts on “The ratio of flour to syrup to make a sweet is 7:13 . The syrup has sugar and water in the ratio is 2:3.<br /><br />Let us find th”

  1. Answer 1 . As 13 is the sweet and 2 is the syrup the fraction is 13/20 . Answer 2. Formula for fraction to percentage is fraction x 100 = 13/20 x 100= 65 percentage.


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