the perimeter of yes wire field and rectangular field are the same if one side of the rectangular field is 18 metre and one side o

the perimeter of yes wire field and rectangular field are the same if one side of the rectangular field is 18 metre and one side off the square field it is 15 metre find
I) the area of the rectangular field
ii) the total area of both the fields​

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1 thought on “the perimeter of yes wire field and rectangular field are the same if one side of the rectangular field is 18 metre and one side o”

  1. given

    • perimeter of rectangle= perimeter of square
    • one side of rectangle is 18 cm
    • side of square is 15 cm

    To find-

    • I) the area of the rectangular field
    • ii) the total area of both the fields


    area of rec = area of square






    b=12 cm

    hence the width of rectangle is 12 cm

    1) area of rectangle ???

    area of rec -l*b


    • length is 18 cm
    • width is 12 cm

    put value

    18* 12

    =216 square cm

    2) total area of both field

    as we know area of rectangular field is 216 square cm

    area of square field is



    =225 square cm

    total area

    =area of square field +area of rectangle field

    =216 +225

    =441 square cm


    hope its helpful


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