The party that secures more than half of the seats of the Legislative Assembly is
A) Opposition party
B) Ruling

The party that secures more than half of the seats of the Legislative Assembly is
A) Opposition party
B) Ruling parts
c) Political part​y​

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2 thoughts on “The party that secures more than half of the seats of the Legislative Assembly is<br />the<br />A) Opposition party<br />B) Ruling”

  1. Explanation:


    [tex] \bf \red{Question :-}[/tex]

    ⟼ The party that secures more than half of the seats of the Legislative Assembly is the :

    (A) Opposition party

    (B) Ruling party

    (C) Political party


    Answer :-

    ⇝ The party that secures more than half of the seats of the Legislative Assembly is the :-

    ⟹ (B) Ruling Party .


    [tex] \bf \pink{Extra \: Information :-}[/tex]

    ✪ Types of Party System :-

    [tex] \sf \purple{⟹ The \: three \: types \: of \: Party \: System \: are :}[/tex]

    One party system

    Two party system

    Multi party system

    ✪ Legislative Assembly :

    The Chief Minister is the leader of the majority party in the Legislative Assembly.


  2. Answer:-

    c) Political party

    Official Opposition is a term used in Parliament of India and State Legislatures to designate the political party which has secured the second largest number of seats in either upper or lower houses.


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