The length and the breadth of a rectangle are 12 cm and 8 cm respectively. Find its pe
The perimeter of a rectang

The length and the breadth of a rectangle are 12 cm and 8 cm respectively. Find its pe
The perimeter of a rectangle is 30 cm and its length 8 cm. Find its breadth.​

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2 thoughts on “<br /><br />The length and the breadth of a rectangle are 12 cm and 8 cm respectively. Find its pe<br />The perimeter of a rectang”

  1. Answer:

    Question 1.

    Perimeter of rectangle= 2( l+ b)

    = 2(12+8)


    = 40 cm

    Question 2.

    Perimeter of rectangle=2(l+b)

    30= 2(8+ b)

    b= 30÷2-8

    b= 15-8

    b= 7cm


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