[tex]\huge{ \fbox{ QUESTION }} [/tex]
The volume of a cube is 10000cm³. It is melted and re-casted into cuboids having sides

By Eden

[tex]\huge{ \fbox{ QUESTION }} [/tex]
The volume of a cube is 10000cm³. It is melted and re-casted into cuboids having sides 2cm × 5cm × 1cm. Find out the number of cuboids formed. ​

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2 thoughts on “[tex]\huge{ \fbox{ QUESTION }} [/tex] <br />The volume of a cube is 10000cm³. It is melted and re-casted into cuboids having sides”

  1. Answer:

    [tex]\huge{\underline{\color{teal}{\textsf{\textbf{~~~Answer}}}}} \\ [/tex]

    GIVEN :

    •The volume of a cube is 10000cm³ is melted and re casted into small cuboids having size 2cm × 5cm × 1cm.

    cuboid :

    lenght = 2cm

    breath = 5cm

    height = 1cm


    number of cuboids formed = [tex]\frac{10000m³ }{Volume~of~1~cube}[/tex]

    we know that the volume of cuboid is :- length × breath × height

    = 2cm × 5cm × 1cm

    = 10cm³

    now ,

    number of cuboids formed = [tex]\frac{10000m³ }{10cm³}[/tex]

    number of cuboids formed = [tex]\frac{1000\cancel0m³ }{1\cancel0cm³}[/tex]

    number of cuboids formed = [tex]\huge{ \sf{ 1000~box }} [/tex]

  2. Answer:

    number of cuboids formed = [tex]\huge{ \sf{ 1000~box }} [/tex]

    me good boi mi nu spem

    #2 attachment :- ur face after I spem in ur 30 point Question

    #4 my dUdE


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