Slove the problem.
Kirti bookstore sold book’s worth Rs.2,85,891 in the first week of June and books worth Rs.4,00,768 in the

Slove the problem.
Kirti bookstore sold book’s worth Rs.2,85,891 in the first week of June and books worth Rs.4,00,768 in the second week of the month.How much was the sale for the two weeks together?In which week was the sale greater and by how much?​

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1 thought on “Slove the problem.<br />Kirti bookstore sold book’s worth Rs.2,85,891 in the first week of June and books worth Rs.4,00,768 in the”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Sale in week 1 = 2,85,891

    Sale in week 2 = 4,00,768

    Total sale = 2,85,891+4,00,7682,85,891+4,00,768

    = Rs. 6,86,659

    It can clearly be seen that there was more sale in the second week

    Difference in sale = 4,00,768-2,85,8914,00,768−2,85,891

    = Rs. 1,14,877


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