simplify 3x-5-x+9 and find the value of the expression if x=3​

simplify 3x-5-x+9 and find the value of the expression if x=3​

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2 thoughts on “simplify 3x-5-x+9 and find the value of the expression if x=3​”

  1. Answer:

    [tex] \huge{ \red{꧁ℬཞØKℰη_ℋAℜƬ♡꧂}}[/tex]

    [tex]3x – 5 – x + 9 \\ \rightarrow \: 2x + 4 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \bold{x = 3} \: \bold{(given)} \\ \rightarrow \: 2 \times 3 + 4 \: \: \: \: \: \\ \rightarrow \: 6 + 4 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \rightarrow \: 10 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]

  2. Given :

    • 3x – 5 – x + 9
    • x = 3

    To find :

    • The value of the expression

    Solution :


    [tex]\implies \bf 3x – 5 – x + 9 \\\\\\ \bf \implies 3x – x + 9 – 5 \\\\\\ \bf \implies 2x + 4 \\\\\\ \dagger \frak { \: Putting \: the \: values \: given \: in \: the \: data} \\ \\ \\ \bf \implies 2(3) + 4 \\\\\\ \implies \bf 6 + 4 \\\\\\ \implies \boxed{\bf 10}[/tex]

    Therefore, The value of the expression is 10.


    [tex] \bf \implies 3x – 5 – x + 9 \\ \\ \\ \bf \implies 3(3) – 5 – (3) + 9 \\ \\ \\ \bf \implies 9 – 5 – 3 + 9 \\ \\ \\ \bf \implies 4 – 3 + 9 \\ \\ \\ \bf \implies 1 + 9 \\ \\ \\ \implies \boxed{\bf 10}[/tex]

    Hence, Verified!

    Know more:

    [tex]\boxed{\begin{array} {c|c} \sf{ +,- } & \sf{ – } \\ \dfrac{\qquad\qquad}{} & \dfrac{\qquad}{} \\ \sf{- , +} & \sf{ – } \\ \dfrac{\qquad\qquad}{} & \dfrac{\qquad}{} \\ \sf{+,+} & \sf{ + } \\ \dfrac{\qquad\qquad}{} & \dfrac{\qquad }{} \\ \sf{-,-} & \sf{ + }\end{array}}[/tex]


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