show that 9^n cannot end with digit zero for any natural number n​

show that 9^n cannot end with digit zero for any natural number n​

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2 thoughts on “show that 9^n cannot end with digit zero for any natural number n​”

  1. Answer:

    9n can never end with the digit 0 for any natural number n because for a number to end with zero it should be divisible by 10 and therefore its factors should be 5 and 2. But as 9 has only 3 as its factor, increasing its power will not make 5 as its factor. Thus it can never end with 0

  2. Answer:

    9n can never end with the digit 0 for any natural number n because for a number to end with zero it should be divisible by 10 and therefore its factors should be 5 and 2. But as 9 has only 3 as its factor, increasing its power will not make 5 as its factor. Thus it can never end with 0.

    hope it helps you ❤❤

    THANK-YOU ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


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