Shekhar is a famous player. He has scored 7472 runs so fore with. What everage he
would need to score 8 matches in 10000 Run

Shekhar is a famous player. He has scored 7472 runs so fore with. What everage he
would need to score 8 matches in 10000 Run whole.​

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2 thoughts on “Shekhar is a famous player. He has scored 7472 runs so fore with. What everage he<br />would need to score 8 matches in 10000 Run”

  1. Shekhar scored = 6980 runs

    He want to complete = 10000 runs

    Runs need to score more = 10000 – 6980 = 3020

    Hence, he need 3020 more runs to score

  2. Given : Shekhar scored 7472 runs in test matches.

    He wishes to score 10000 runs in 8 more matches

    To Find : average per match in next 8 matches


    Runs to be scored = 10000

    Runs already scored = 7472

    More runs to be scored = 10000 – 7472

    = 2,528

    Matches = 8

    Average per match = 2,528/8

    = 316

    average per match in next 8 matches =


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    ThanKuuuuU ♥️


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