27. 10×4-9x} +7x? – 5x – 20 is a polynomial.
a) Write the terms of this polynomial?
b) What is the co-efficie

By Ayla

27. 10×4-9x} +7x? – 5x – 20 is a polynomial.
a) Write the terms of this polynomial?
b) What is the co-efficient of x and x3
c) Write the constant term of polynomial.
d) What is the degree of this polynomial?

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1 thought on “S1-33<br />27. 10×4-9x} +7x? – 5x – 20 is a polynomial.<br />a) Write the terms of this polynomial?<br />b) What is the co-efficie”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given polynomial is √3x² – 5x

    To find its zeroes lets equate the polynomial to zero

    => √3x² – 5x = 0

    Taking x common

    => x (√3x – 5) = 0

    => x = 0 , √3x – 5 = 0

    => x = 0 , x = 5/√3

    The zeroes of polynomial √3x² – 5x are 0 & 5/√3


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