Rita bought 3 kg of rice at Rs 40 per kg and 2 kg of onion at Rs 20 per k. How

much total money she paid for the items.

Rita bought 3 kg of rice at Rs 40 per kg and 2 kg of onion at Rs 20 per k. How

much total money she paid for the items.​

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2 thoughts on “Rita bought 3 kg of rice at Rs 40 per kg and 2 kg of onion at Rs 20 per k. How<br /><br />much total money she paid for the items.”

  1. Answer:

    1 kg rice = ₹ 40

    3 kg rice = ₹40×3 =₹120

    1 kg onion = ₹20

    2kg onion = ₹ 20× 2 =₹40

    therefore, total money spent = ₹120+40=₹160.


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