Q.no.26- tbe diameter of a circular Park is 86 metre .on its outside there are 400 cm wide path running around
It. find the c

Q.no.26- tbe diameter of a circular Park is 86 metre .on its outside there are 400 cm wide path running around
It. find the cost of turfing the path at rupees 7.5 per square . Also find the cost of fencing the park at
11 per square metre.

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1 thought on “Q.no.26- tbe diameter of a circular Park is 86 metre .on its outside there are 400 cm wide path running around<br />It. find the c”

  1. Answer :

    → Radius of circular park = D/2 = 86/2 = 43 m .


    → Cost of fencing the park = Rate * circumference = 11 * 2 * 3.14 * 43 = Rs. 2970.44 (Ans.)


    → Area of path = π[(43 + 4)² – (43)²] = 3.14(47² – 43²) = 3.14 * 90 * 4 = 1130.4 .


    → Cost of turfing the path = Rate * Area = 7.5 * 1130.4 = Rs.8478 (Ans.)

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