PROJECT WORK: Write a paragraph ( in not more than 50 words) on “RAMANUJAN – The Great Mathematician”. Write the important contrib

PROJECT WORK: Write a paragraph ( in not more than 50 words) on “RAMANUJAN – The Great Mathematician”. Write the important contributions of him​

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2 thoughts on “PROJECT WORK: Write a paragraph ( in not more than 50 words) on “RAMANUJAN – The Great Mathematician”. Write the important contrib”

  1. paragraph on “RAMANUJAN” the great mathematician

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Srinivasa RAMANUJAN was one of India’s greatest mathematical geniuses we ever heard about. He made considerable contributions to the analytical theory of numbers and worked on elliptic functions,continued fractions and infinite series.He was having a great brilliance towards this subject.

    Srinivasa Ramanujan achieved a glory of all time great mathematicians. He left behind 4000 original theorems, even though of the lack of formal education.

    Ramanujan’s contributions –

    He prepared around 3900 results consisting of equations and identities

    One of his most prominent finding was his infinite series for pi. This series forms the basis of many algorithms we used today.

    One of the ramanujans notebooks was discovered by George Andrews in 1976 in the library at trinity college.

    1729 is known as the ramanujans number

  2. Step-by-step explanation:

    Ramanujan lived just for 32 years but during this short span he produced such theorems and formulae which even today remain unfathomable in the present age of super computers. He left behind him about 4000 formulae and theorems.

    Ramanujan lived just for 32 years but during this short span he produced such theorems and formulae which even today remain unfathomable in the present age of super computers. He left behind him about 4000 formulae and theorems.


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