P(x)=x² – 4x² – 3x+12
two geroes are 3 -√3
the third zero

P(x)=x² – 4x² – 3x+12
two geroes are 3 -√3
the third zero

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1 thought on “P(x)=x² – 4x² – 3x+12<br />two geroes are 3 -√3<br />find<br />the third zero<br />​”

  1. Answer:

    zero is 0 here lolxd

    Step-by-step explanation:

    whu3nehshshx 3rd party wear is a the lie to you the your you or and to and you account anniversary bhaiya and you are going out to eat a lot and you have to go to a very forgetful place to get well and be a little bit of you and your family and your name and the family and the


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