on selling a racket for rs 198 ,a shopkeeper gains 10%.the cost price of the racket is ​

on selling a racket for rs 198 ,a shopkeeper gains 10%.the cost price of the racket is ​

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2 thoughts on “on selling a racket for rs 198 ,a shopkeeper gains 10%.the cost price of the racket is ​”

  1. Answer:


    On selling a racket for 198, a shopkeeper gains 10%. Find the cost of racket

    To Find:

    Cost of racket


    Formula for finding cost price is~ SP × 100/ 100 + profit percentage


    Selling price of racket = 198, Gain or profit percentage = 10

    So according to the formula~

    CP = [tex] ₹ 198 × 100/ 100 + 10 [/tex]

    After calculation, we will get~

    CP = [tex] ₹ 19800/ 110 [/tex]

    So we will do here some more calculation for finding CP, according to the formula

    CP = [tex] ₹ 1980/ 11 [/tex]


    CP = [tex] ₹ 180 [/tex]


  2. Answer:


    Selling price of racket =Rs.198

    Percentage gain by selling racket =10%

    Cost price of the racket,

    CP=Rs.{(100/(100+gain %))×SP}






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