The product of two integers is -160. If one of them is 20, find the other​

The product of two integers is -160. If one of them is 20, find the other​

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2 thoughts on “IV.<br />The product of two integers is -160. If one of them is 20, find the other​”

  1. ❍ Let’s Consider the Second no. be x .

    Given that ,

    • The product of two integers is -160. If one of them is 20 .

    Then ,

    [tex]\qquad \qquad \underline {\sf { \implies Equation = x \times 20 = -160 }}\\\\[/tex]

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[tex]\underline {\frak{\star\:Now \: By \: Solving \: the \: \: Value\:of\:x \::}}\\[/tex]

    [tex]:\implies \sf { x \times 20 = – 160 }\\\\\\:\implies \sf{ x = \cancel {\dfrac{-160}{20}}}\\\\\\\underline {\boxed{\pink{ \mathrm { x = -8\: }}}}\:\bf{\bigstar}\\[/tex]


    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[tex]\therefore {\underline{ \mathrm { Hence,\:The \:Second \:number\:is\:\bf{-8\: }}}}\\[/tex]


    V E R I F I C A T I O N :

    As, We know that ,

    [tex]\qquad \qquad \underline {\sf { \implies Equation = x \times 20 = -160 }}\\\\[/tex]


    • x = -8 .

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[tex]\underline {\frak{\star\:Now \: By \: Substituting \: the \: Found \: Values \::}}\\[/tex]

    [tex]:\implies \sf { x \times 20 = – 160 }\\\\\\:\implies \sf{ -8 \times 20 = -160}\\\\\\\underline {\boxed{\pink{ \mathrm { -160 = -160\: }}}}\:\bf{\bigstar}\\[/tex]

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[tex]\therefore {\underline {\bf{ Hence, \:Verified \:}}}\\[/tex]


  2. Answer:

    x = -8

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Let the other number be ‘x’

    product of x and 20 is -160

    (x) × 20 = -160

    x = -160/20

    x = -8

    Hope this helps you


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