is (2+√3) (2-√3) a rational or irrational.

who explains with full process I will mark them as brainlist​

is (2+√3) (2-√3) a rational or irrational.

who explains with full process I will mark them as brainlist​

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1 thought on “is (2+√3) (2-√3) a rational or irrational.<br /><br />who explains with full process I will mark them as brainlist​”

  1. [tex]{\large{\pmb{\sf{\underline{RequirEd \: solution…}}}}}[/tex]

    Understanding the question: This question says that we have to tell that the given expression is rational or irrational. The given expression is (2+√3) (2-√3)

    Using concept: To solve this question we have to use an identity that is mentioned below:

    [tex]{\small{\underline{\boxed{\sf{Suitable \: identity \longrightarrow (a+b) (a-b) = a^2 – b^2}}}}}[/tex]

    Now let’s solve this question!

    ~ According to the identity here

    [tex]{\sf{:\implies (a+b) (a-b) = a^2 – b^2}}[/tex]

    [tex]{\sf{:\implies a \: is \: 2 \: and \: b \: is \: \sqrt{3}}}[/tex]

    ~ Now let’s put values and solve

    [tex]{\sf{:\implies (2)^{2} – (\sqrt{3})^{2}}}[/tex]

    ~ (Don’t forget) Square and square root cancel each other.

    [tex]{\sf{:\implies 4 – 3}}[/tex]

    [tex]{\sf{:\implies 1 \:is \: required \: solution}}[/tex]

    As we get 1 as required solution henceforth, the expression that is (2+√3) (2-√3) a rational number!

    [tex]{\large{\pmb{\sf{\underline{Additional \: KnowlEdge…}}}}}[/tex]

    Rational number: Rational number are those numbers which can be written in the form of [tex]{\sf{\dfrac{p}{q}}}[/tex] where q ≠ 0 i.e., q is not equal to zero. Some example of rational number are [tex]{\sf{\dfrac{23}{9} \: , \dfrac{777}{44432}}}[/tex]

    Irrational number: Irrational number are the inverse of rational numbers. These numbers can’t be written in the form of [tex]{\sf{\dfrac{p}{q}}}[/tex] The bestest example for irrational numbes are [tex]{\sf{\pi}}[/tex] and [tex]{\sf{\sqrt{}}}[/tex]


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