In an arithemetic sequence 5th term 10 and common difference 2
find 15th term,20th term, 50th term.

In an arithemetic sequence 5th term 10 and common difference 2
find 15th term,20th term, 50th term.

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1 thought on “In an arithemetic sequence 5th term 10 and common difference 2<br /> find 15th term,20th term, 50th term.”

  1. Answer:

    Formula : Tn = a+(n-1)d / where d =2

    T5 = 10

    10 = a+(5-1)2

    10 = a+8

    a = 2

    • T15 = a+14d =2+14(2) = 2+28 =30
    • T20 = a+19d =2+(19)2 = 2+38 =40
    • T50 = a+49d = 2+(49)2 =2+98 = 100

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