If the area of the circular base of cylinder is 22cm2

and its height is 10cm then the

volume of the cylinde

By Mia

If the area of the circular base of cylinder is 22cm2

and its height is 10cm then the

volume of the cylinder is​

About the author

1 thought on “If the area of the circular base of cylinder is 22cm2<br /><br />and its height is 10cm then the <br /><br />volume of the cylinde”

  1. Gíνєn :

    • Area of Base = 22cm²
    • Height of cylinder = 10cm

    Tσ Find :

    • Volume of cylinder

    Sσlutíσn :

    Here in the Question we are Area of circular Base of cylinder is 22cm² That will be πr² and Height is given 10cm. We know that Volume of cylinder is πr²h. By Putting the values in the formula we can easily find the Volume of the Cylinder.

    • Area of Base = 22cm²
    • πr² = 22cm²

    ➢ Volume of cylinder = πr²h

    ➢ Volume of cylinder = 22 × 10

    ➢ Volume of cylinder = 220cm³


    Volume of cylinder is 220cm³


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