if propotional ,beta are the zeroes of the polynomial x²-5x+6 then 1) 1/propotional +1/beta 2)propotional-beta 3)propotional²+ bet

if propotional ,beta are the zeroes of the polynomial x²-5x+6 then 1) 1/propotional +1/beta 2)propotional-beta 3)propotional²+ beta² options are a) 1 b) 13 c) 5/6​

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1 thought on “if propotional ,beta are the zeroes of the polynomial x²-5x+6 then 1) 1/propotional +1/beta 2)propotional-beta 3)propotional²+ bet”

  1. Answer:

    It is given that à and ß are the zeroes of polynomial x²- 5x+6. Let Polynomial be f( x) = x²- 5x+6. { On comparing; a = 1 , b = -5 and c = 6 }.


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