if in the figure a//b and c//d,then name the angles that are congruent
to 1.angle 1 2.angle 2​

By Jade

if in the figure a//b and c//d,then name the angles that are congruent
to 1.angle 1 2.angle 2​

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1 thought on “if in the figure a//b and c//d,then name the angles that are congruent<br />to 1.angle 1 2.angle 2​”

  1. Answer:

    Correct option is



    Given that a∣∣b and c∣∣d

    ∠1=∠3 …(i) (vertically opposite angles)

    ∠1=∠5 …(ii) (a∣∣b, so, corresponding angles)

    ∠5=∠7 …(iii) (vertically opposite angles)

    From (ii) and (iii)

    ∠1=∠7 …(iv)

    ∠1=∠9 …(v) (c∣∣d,so,corresponding angles)

    ∠9=∠13 …(vi) (a∣∣b,so,corresponding angles)

    From (v) and (vi)

    ∠1=∠13 …(vii)

    ∠9=∠11 …(viii) (vertically opposite angles)

    From (v) and (viii)

    ∠1=∠11 …(ix)

    ∠13=∠15 …(x) (vertically opposite angles)

    From (vii) and (x)

    ∠1=∠15 …(xi)

    From (i),(ii),(iv),(v),(vii),(ix),(xi)


    Step-by-step explanation:


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