if by selling 110 mangoes ,the cost price of 120 mangoes is realised,the gain percentage​

if by selling 110 mangoes ,the cost price of 120 mangoes is realised,the gain percentage​

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1 thought on “if by selling 110 mangoes ,the cost price of 120 mangoes is realised,the gain percentage​”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Cost price of 1 mango=x

    Cost price of110 mangoes =110x

    Selling price of 110 mangoes=120x

    Gain =120x-110x=10x

    [tex]gain \: \% = \frac{gain}{cost \: price} \times 100 = \frac{10x}{110x} \times 100 = 100 \div 11 = 9.09\%[/tex]


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