If A is the set of letters in the word “trivial” and B is the set of letters in the word “difficult”
then the set B-A

By Remi

If A is the set of letters in the word “trivial” and B is the set of letters in the word “difficult”
then the set B-A=
A) {c, d, f, 1. tu)
B) {c, d, f, u
C) {a,r,v}
D) { a, i,1, t }​

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1 thought on “If A is the set of letters in the word “trivial” and B is the set of letters in the word “difficult”<br />PO<br />then the set B-A”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    5.2.1 Counting words made with elements of a set S . . … 5.2.3 Counting words where letters may repeat . … (b) The set X = {2,4,6,8,10} in the predicate notation can be …


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