For a quadratic equation ar? + bx+c = 0, if b² – 4ac = 0, then write the nature of its roots​

For a quadratic equation ar? + bx+c = 0, if b² – 4ac = 0, then write the nature of its roots​

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2 thoughts on “For a quadratic equation ar? + bx+c = 0, if b² – 4ac = 0, then write the nature of its roots​”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Thus, the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are real and equal if b2 – 4ac = 0. 2. If b2 – 4ac > 0 then √b2−4ac will be real and non-zero. As a result, the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 will be real and unequal (distinct) if b2 – 4ac > 0.

  2. Answer:

    Concept: Self-consumption


    Self-consumption refers to that part of the total production of a producer which he uses for his own consumption. This part is not supplied in the market.


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