Find the zeros of the given quadratic polynomial p(x) =x^2-2x-8​

Find the zeros of the given quadratic polynomial p(x) =x^2-2x-8​

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2 thoughts on “Find the zeros of the given quadratic polynomial p(x) =x^2-2x-8​”

  1. Required Answer:-


    • p(x) = x² – 2x – 8

    To Find:

    • The zeros of the given equation.



    → p(x) = x² – 2x – 8

    → x² – 2x – 8 = 0

    → x² – (4 – 2)x – 8 = 0

    → x² – 4x + 2x – 8 = 0

    → x(x – 4) + 2(x – 4) = 0

    → (x + 2)(x – 4) = 0

    By Zero-Product rule,

    → (x + 2) = 0 or (x – 4) = 0

    → x = -2, 4

    So, the zeros of the given equation are -2 and 4.


    • x = -2, 4.


  2. Required Answer :

    • The value of x = 2 or 4.

    Concept :

    ☆ The given quadratic equation can be solved by two ways :-

    • By Prime factorisation – We’ll make the common factors of the middle term and then take a number as common to find the value of x. This method is known as splitting the middle term.
    • By quadratic formula – In this formula, we’ll find out the discriminant of the equation using formula 4ac, and then put it in the another formula to obtain the value of x. This method is known as quadratic formula.

    Step by step explanation :

    Given :

    • Quadratic equation = x²-2x-8

    To find :

    • Roots/zeroes of the quadratic equation.

    Solution :

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀First way

    By Prime factorisation,

    [tex]p(x) = {x}^{2} – 2x – 8[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex]p(x) = {x}^{2} – 4x + 2x – 8[/tex]

    • Taking x and (+2) as common.

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex]p(x) = x(x – 4) + 2(x – 4)[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex](x – 4)(x + 2)[/tex]

    • Now, for finding zeroes, put p(x) = 0

    ∴ [tex]p(x) = 0[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex](x – 4)(x + 2) = 0[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex](x – 4) = 0 \: or \: (x + 2) = 0[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex]x = 4 \: or \: x = – 2[/tex] ✔️

    ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀—————–Second way————–

    ❥By quadratic formula,

    Given, [tex]p(x) = {x}^{2} – 2x – 8[/tex]

    • On comparing p(x) with ax²+bx+c, we get
    1. a = 1
    2. b = -2
    3. c = -8
    • Finding Discriminant using the formula, b²-4ac.

    [tex] {b}^{2} – 4ac[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex]( – 2)^{2} – 4( 1)( – 8)[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex]4 + 32[/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex]36[/tex] ——(i)

    • Now, using the quadratic formula including the value of discriminant for finding the roots.

    [tex] \frac{ – b± \sqrt{b^{2} – 4ac } }{2a} [/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex] \frac{ +2 ± \sqrt{36 } }{2} [/tex] [ from (i) ]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex] \frac{2 – 6}{2} \: or \: \frac{2 + 6}{2} [/tex]

    [tex]→[/tex] [tex] \frac{ – 4}{2} \: or \: \frac{8}{2} [/tex]

    ∴[tex]∴ \: x = – 2 \: or \: 4[/tex] ✔️


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