Find the nature of the surface given by the equation 9×2+36y2+4z2-36x+216y+32z+388=0​

Find the nature of the surface given by the equation 9×2+36y2+4z2-36x+216y+32z+388=0​

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1 thought on “Find the nature of the surface given by the equation 9×2+36y2+4z2-36x+216y+32z+388=0​”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    euxhbdhuxvxvsu bbwh. dhxh dB sh. xhsbh h be hxxbshzhhz h hdvvdnzh,ndbhx HD be b hhxhzhhsh dhxh xhsbh bx dbh h vd bed h hxbz


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