Find the least number which must be added /subtracted

from 18625 to make it a perfect square .also ,find the square roo

Find the least number which must be added /subtracted

from 18625 to make it a perfect square .also ,find the square root

of the resulting number​

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1 thought on “Find the least number which must be added /subtracted<br /><br />from 18625 to make it a perfect square .also ,find the square roo”

  1. Answer:

    129 should be substracted

    144 should be added

    Step-by-step explanation:

    18625 – 129 = 18469

    And √18469 = 136

    18625 + 144 = 18769

    And √18769 = 137

    Hope this helps mark me brainliest


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