Find the first degree polynomial p(x) with p(0)=1 and p(1)=2​

Find the first degree polynomial p(x) with p(0)=1 and p(1)=2​

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1 thought on “Find the first degree polynomial p(x) with p(0)=1 and p(1)=2​”

  1. Answer:

    let the polynomial be p(x)

    p(x) = ax + b (where a and b are constants)

    p(1) = a + b = 1 – (1) (given in the question)

    p(2) = 2a + b = 3 – (2) (given in the question)

    by (1) and (2)

    a = 2, b = -1

    ⇒ p(x) = 2x – 1


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