Find the cost of painting the four walls of a
room at the rate of Rs per square metre, if its
perimeter is 100 m and hei

Find the cost of painting the four walls of a
room at the rate of Rs per square metre, if its
perimeter is 100 m and height 9 m.​

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2 thoughts on “Find the cost of painting the four walls of a<br />room at the rate of Rs per square metre, if its<br />perimeter is 100 m and hei”

  1. [tex]\Huge \underline{\mathcal \pink{A}\purple{\frak{nSwer}}}[/tex]

    [tex]Area \: of \: four \: walls = 2(l + b)h[/tex]

    [tex]= 100 \: \times \: 9[/tex]

    [tex] = 900[/tex]

    [tex]Cost \: of \: painting[/tex]

    [tex]= rate \: \times area[/tex]

    [tex] = Rs \: 9 \times \: 900[/tex]

    [tex] 8100 \: rs[/tex]


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